Group Chairman’s Message

Great visions are born when ambitious minds turn dreams into workable ideas. A successful business venture is the result when determined individuals put vision into action, lead with enthusiasm and perseverance. Under the Melstacorp Group, I find a multitude of firms that are eligible to validate this truth, and one such firm is our Insurance arm, Continental Insurance.

A decade ago, Continental Insurance was formed with the view of filling the vacuum in the industry for an Insurance company with local roots but aspire for global standards. To brave the challenges of the competitive and complex insurance industry, we set a vision for Continental Insurance to be the most technologically advanced, innovative and customer friendly Insurance Company that can grow beyond domestic boundaries.

A decade on, how Continental Insurance has grown to be among the industry leaders is a testament to our vision, and the right mix resources that were employed, be it the finances, leadership, technology and human capital.

Continental Insurance, like the other Melstacorp Group Companies are assured of the support from financial strength and the solid franchise of the parent. Melstacorp, one of the largest conglomerates in the country, and among those with largest market capitalization, represents a range of industries including Leisure, Beverages, Plantations, Logistics, Healthcare and Power. The Melstacorp Group and its subsidiary, Distilleries Company of Sri Lanka are rated AAA(lka) by Fitch ratings, which is a tribute to our strong financial profile and solid market position, among others. We are proud that Continental Insurance also follows suit, having rated A-(lka) by Fitch Ratings, an accreditation of its financial strength, well balanced risk taking and sustained performance.

I am honoured to have founded a Company that remains true to its fundamentals and focused on sustainable growth and I am extremely proud of the achievements of Continental Insurance thus far. While the path ahead remains one of challenge and opportunity, given the capabilities and competencies I observe with the present spearheads holding the reins, I have no doubt that Continental Insurance will meet its vision soon.

Deshamanya D H S Jayawardena
Melstacorp PLC