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Continental Insurance Lanka Ltd (CILL) customers can now use Hatton National Bank’s (HNB) internet and mobile banking platform and island wide Customer Centre network to carry out transactions for property, motor, marine and general accident insurance products of CILL.

This has been made possible through a payee partnership between HNB and Continental Insurance Lanka Ltd (CILL), which allows CILL customers to select their preferred mode of transaction from a range of Electronic Digital Channels of HNB, which include internet and mobile banking.

Furthermore, the staff of HNB will ensure personalized service for CILL customers who prefer to use traditional banking channels when they visit the 249 HNB Customer Centre’s around Sri Lanka.

Continental Insurance has enhanced its focus on internet and mobile banking due to the ever growing popularity of the internet and the increased use of Smartphone’s across the country. HNB is the premier technology bank in Sri Lanka with its strategic focus on the development of Electronic Delivery Channels. Building on this partnership, HNB and Continental Insurance have planned several joint promotions in the months ahead.

Continental Insurance Lanka Ltd, a fully owned subsidiary of the DCSL Group, is committed to providing world class levels of service in its journey to become the No. 1 insurance provider in Sri Lanka. Continental Insurance is the first Insurance Company to be awarded with Fitch Rating A-(lka) within five years of operation. The DCSL Group is one of the premier blue chip companies of Sri Lanka, and also has the distinction of being listed in Forbes Asia’s ‘200 best under a US$ Billion’ three times.
